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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 11

Naslov:Readings in English transformational grammar / Roderick A. Jacobs, Peter S. Rosenbaum
Impresum:Waltham, Mass. ; Toronto ; London : Ginn and company ; Xerox company , cop. 1970
Materijalni opis:X, 277 str. ; 24 cm
Napomena:Str. 273: Bibliografija
Ključne riječi:transformacijska gramatika * engleski jezik
Sažetak:Some <lexical structures> and their empirical validity <Thomas G.> <Bever>, <Peter S.> <Rosenbaum>, A principle governing <deletion> in <English sentential complementation> <Peter S.> <Rosenbaum>, Conditions on <English comparative clause pairings> <Austin> <Hale>, On so-called <pronouns in English> <Paul M.> <Postal>, Some remarks on the action <nominalization in English> <Bruce> <Fraser>, The accessibility of deep <structures> <D. Terence> <Langendoen>, The two <verbs> begin <David M.> <Perlmutter>, The <grammar> of hitting and breaking <Charles J.> <Fillmore>, On very deep <grammatical structure> <R. B.> <Lees>, <Pronominalization,> <negation,> and the <analysis of adverbs> <George> <Lakoff>, Where do <noun phrasesY come from? <James D.> <McCawley>, Remarks on <nominalization> <Noam> <Chomsky>, On <declarative sentences> <John Robert> <Ross>
Ostali autori / urednici:Jacobs, Roderick ; Rosenbaum, Peter S.
Namjena :lin
Signatura:LO 801.5 JAC R
Inventarni broj:19071
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za lingvistiku i orijentalne studije, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/lingvistika

Naslov:Identities : race, class, gender, and nationality / edited by Linda Martín Alcoff and Eduardo Mendieta
Impresum:Malden, MA : Blackwell , 2003
Materijalni opis:xv, 428 str. ; 25 cm
Napomena:Bibliografija i bilješke iza pojedinih poglavlja. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:grupni identitet * etnicitet * rasa * rodni identitet * nacionalnost -- karakteristike
Sažetak:Introduction: Identities: modern and postmodern / Linda Martin Alcoff. -Part I: Foundations : 1. Independence and dependence of self-consciousness / G. W. F. Hegel ; 2. On the Jewish question / Karl Marx ; 3. Consciousness and what is unconscious / Sigmund Freud ; 4. The self / George Herbert Mead. -Part II: Race/ehhnicity/ethnorace : 5. The conservation of races / W. E. B. Du Bois ; 6. The new negro / Alain Locke ; 7. Identity and dignity in the context of the national liberation struggle / Amilcr Cabral ; 8. The fact of blackness / Frantz Fanon ; 9. ehiteness as property / Cheryl I. Harris ; 10. New ethnicities / Stuart Hall ; 11. The Latino imaginary: eanings of community and identity / Juan Flores. -Part III: Class and identity : 12. Class consciousness / Georg Lukacs ; 13. Class consciousness in history / E. J. Hobsbawm ; 14. Preface from 'The making of th English working class' / E. P. Thompson ; 15. Introduction form 'Elementary aspects of peasant insurgency in colonial India' / Ranajit Guha. -Part IV: Gender/sexnality : 16. Introduction form 'The second sex' / Simone de Beauvoir ; 17. One is not born a woman / Monique Wittig ; 18. Throwing like a girl: a phenomenology of feminine body comportment, motility, and spatiality / Iris Marin Young ; 19. Mapping the margins: intersectionality, identity politics, and violence against women of color / Kimberlé Crenshaw ; 20. Gender trouble, feminist theory, and posychoanalytic descourse / Judith Butler ; 21. Revolutions, universals, and sexual categories / John Boswell ; 22. Sex before sexuality: pederasty, politics, and power in Classical Athens / David M. Halperin ; 23. Sexual indifference and lesbian representation / Teresa de Lauretis ; 24. Transsexual doscourses and languages of identification / Jason Cromwell. -Part V: National/transnational identities : 25. National identity and citizenship / Ross Poole ; 26. On the making of transnatinal identities in the age of globalization: The US Latina/op-"Latin" American case / Daniel Mato ; 27. Globalization as a problem / Ronald Robertson ; 28. Postcoloniality and the boundaries of identity / R. Radhakrishnan. -part Vi. Reconfigurations : 29. The clash of definitions / Edward W. Said ; 30. Cultural citizenship, inequality, and multiculturalism / Renato Rosaldo ; 31. Localism, globalism and cultural identity / Mike Featherstone ; 32. Universalism, particularism and the question of identity / Ernesto Laclau ; 33. A menifesto for cyborgs: science, technology, and socialist feminism in the 1980s / Donna Harraway ; 34. The epistemic status fo cultural identity / Satya P. Mohanty. -Afterword: Identities: postcolonial and global / Eduardo Mendieta
UDK:316.7(082) * 159.9 * 305 * 82.0
Ostali autori / urednici:Alcoff, Linda ; Mendieta, Eduardo
Signatura:316.7(08) IDEN
Inventarni broj:III-3201
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):Lucy, Niall
Naslov:Postmodern literary theory : an anthology / edited by Niall Lucy
Impresum:Oxford : Blackwell Publishers , cop. 2000
Materijalni opis:xiii, 454 str. ; 23 cm
Napomena:Str. 441: Bibliografija. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:postmoderna * književna teorija * teorija književnosti * postmodernizam * književni žanrovi * Lacoue-Labarthe, P. * Nancy, L.-L. * Lyotard, Jean-François * Kristeva, Julia * Deleuze, Gilles * Guattari, Felix * Connor, S. * Docherty, T. * Irigaray, Luce * Cixous, Hélene * Ross, K. * Balsamo, A. * MacHale, Brian * McHale, B. * Thwaites, T. * Barthes, Roland * Ralph, C. * Barth, J. * Talens, J. * Burgass, C. * Rasch, W. * Foucault, Michel * Mchoul, A. * Christensen, J.
Sažetak:PART I: GENRE. -1. Genre / Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe and Jean-Luc Nancy. -2. Something Like: 'Communication...Without Communication' / Jean-Francois Lyotard. -3. From one identity to an other / Julia Kristeva. -4. Rhizome / Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. -PART II: ETHICS. -5. Rewriting wrong: On the ethics of literary reversion / Steven Connor. -6. The ethics of alterity / Thomas Docherty. -7. The three 'genres' / Luce Irigaray. -8. Writing and the law: Blanchot, Joyce, Kafka and Lispector / Hélene Cixous. -PART III: CYBER. -9. Watching the detectives / Kristin Ross. -10. Feminism for the incurably informed / Anne Balsamo. -11. POSTcyberMODERNpunkISM / Brian McHale. -12. Miracles: Hor air and histories of the improbable / Tony Thwaites. -PART IV: TEXT. -13. From work to text / Roland Barthes. -14. Do postmodern genres exist? / Ralp Cohen. -15. The literature of exhaustion / John Barth. -16. Writing against simulacrum: The place of literature and literary theory in the electronic age / Jenaro Talens. -PART V: POST. -17. Postmodern value / Catherine Burgass. -18. In search of the Lyotard archipelago, or: How to live with paradox and learn to like it / William Rasch. -19. Preface to 'Anti-Oedipus' / Michel Foucault. -Analytic ethics / Alec Mchoul. -POSTSCRIPT. -21. Note on the meaning of 'post-' / Jean-Francois Lyotard. -22. The Romantic movement and the end of history / Jerome Christensen
Signatura:82.0 POST
Inventarni broj:99/198
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Naslov:Dijalektika oslobođenja / Bateson... [et al.] ; [uredio David Cooper] ; [preveo Branko Petrović]
Impresum:Zagreb : [Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo] , 1970
Materijalni opis:315 str. ; 17 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Praxis : džepno izd. ; br. 4-5
Napomena:Prijevod djela: Dialectics of liberation. - Sadržaj: Očevidno / R. D. Laing. Svjesni cilj nasuprot prirodi / Gregory Bateson. Crna vlast / Carmichael Stokely. Društvena i psihološka priprema za rat / Jules Henry. Imperijalizam i revolucija u Americi / John Gerassi. Budućnost kapitalizma / Paul Sweezy. Psihijatrija i antipsihijatrija / Ross Speck. Objektivne vrijednosti / Paul Goodman. Kritičnost i dogmatizam u književnosti / Lucien Goldmann. Oslobođenje od društva obilja / Herbert Marcuse. Dalje od riječi / David Cooper. Dijalektika oslobođenja / Gajo Petrović
Ključne riječi:sociologija politike * kapitalizam
Sažetak:<Laing, R. D.><Bateson, Gregory><Stokely, Carmichael><Henry, Jules><Gerassy, John><Sweezy, Paul><Speck, Ross><Goldmann, Lucien><Marcuse, Herbert><Cooper, David><Petrović, Gajo>
Ostali autori / urednici:Cooper, David ; Petrović, Branko
Signatura:SF 6796-2/3
Inventarni broj:35567
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Zavoda za slavensku filologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/slavfilologija

Autor(i):Swift, Jonathan
Naslov:Gulliver's Travels / Jonathan Swift ; edited with an introduction by John F. Ross
Impresum:New York ; Toronto : Rinehart and Co , 1954
Materijalni opis:xxiii, 295 str. ; 19 cm
Ključne riječi:engleska proza
Signatura:AN 820-3 SWI G
Inventarni broj:4912
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za anglistiku, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/anglistika

Naslov:Drinking and driving : advances in research and prevention / edited by R. Jean Wilson, Robert E. Mann
Impresum:New York ; London : Guilford press , cop. 1990
Materijalni opis:294 str. ; 24 cm
Napomena:Bibliografija. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:alkohol * vožnja
Sažetak:Introduction / R. Jean Wilson and Robert E. Mann Part I. Understanding the impaired driver Psychosocial characteristics of impaired drivers: An integrated review in relation to Problem Behavior Theory / Brian A. Jonah Adolescents, drinking, and driving: Who does it and why? / Knut-Inge Klepp and Cheryl L. Perry Alcoholism, problem drinking, and driving while impaired / Brenda A. Miller and Michael Windel Part II. Deterrence and the drinking-driving problem A new look at deterrence models / Evelyn R. Vingilis Drunk driving enforcement, adjudication, and sanctions in the United States / Robert B. Voas and John H. Lacey Random breath testing and random stopping programs in Australia / Ross Homel Part III. Other preventive approaches Alcohol availability, per capita consumption, and the alchohol-crash problem / Robert E. Mann and Lise Anglin Youth anti-drinking-driving programs / Kathryn Stewart and Michael Klitzner Programs for the rehabilitation and treatment of drinking-driving multiple offenders in the Federal Republic of Germany / Wolf-R. Nickel Matching the DWI offender to an effective intervention strategy: An emerging research agenda / Elisabeth Wells-Parker, James W. Landrum and Jeff S. Topping
APA CC:3233
Ostali autori / urednici:Wilson, R. Jean ; Mann, Robert E.
Signatura:3233 90 DRI
Inventarni broj:8976
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Autor(i):Boucher, François
Naslov:A history of costume in the West : with 1188 illustrations, 365 in colour / François Boucher ; with an additional chapter by Yvonne Deslandres ; [translated from the French by John Ross]
Izdanje:New enlarged ed
Impresum:London : Thames and Hudson , 1996
Materijalni opis:459 str. : ilustr. (pretežno u bojama) ; 28 cm
Napomena:Izv. stv. nasl.: Histoire du costume en Occident. - Bibliografske bilješke i bibliografija iza svakog poglavlja. - Str. 441: Bibliografija. - Str. 443-454: Glossary. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:odijevanje * odjeća * obuća * moda * frizure * povijesni pregled
Inventarni broj:962
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za povijest, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/povijest

Autor(i):Ross, David
Naslov:Aristotle / David Ross ; with a new introduction by John L. Ackrill
Izdanje:6th ed
Impresum:London ; New York : Routledge , 1995
Materijalni opis:XV, 316 str. ; 22 cm
Napomena:Str. 302-303: Bibliographical Note (1995). - Str. 304-310: Short Bibliography. - Str. 311: Chronology of Aristotles successors and commentators:
Namjena :ispit. lit.
Inventarni broj:13157
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za filozofiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/filozofija

Autor:Condry, John C.
Naslov:Sex and aggression : the influence of gender label on the perception of aggression in children
Matična publikacija:Child Development / Willard W. Hartup ; (1985), Vol 56., no 1., str. 225-233
Napomena:str 232-233: Bibliografija
SignaturaC 413 PE
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka pedagogije

Naslov:Measurement in personality and cognition / edited by Samuel Messick and John Ross
Impresum:New York : London : John Wiley and sons , cop. 1962
Materijalni opis:334 str
Napomena:Bibliografija. - Kazala
Ključne riječi:psihometrija * mjerenje ličnosti
APA CC:2220
Ostali autori / urednici:Messick, Samuel ; Ross, John
Signatura:2220 62 MEA
Inventarni broj:2652
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Autor(i):Kakar, Sudhir ; Ross, John M.
Naslov:Tales of love, sex and danger / Sudhir Kakar, John M. Ross
Impresum:Delhi [etc.] : Oxford University Press , 1986
Materijalni opis:IV, 249 str. ; 23 cm
Napomena:Str. 238-249: Bibliografija
Ključne riječi:erotska književnost * poredbena književnost * književna teorija
Namjena :ind
Signatura:LO 82-993 KAK T
Inventarni broj:20025
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za lingvistiku i orijentalne studije, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/lingvistika

Upit: PersonalName_swish=(Ross John )
